2-3 December 2025 | Estrel-Hotel | Berlin, Germany
Please write company names and details correctly, as your input is intended for publication.
Acad. title
First name *
Surname *
Job title *
Department *
if there is more than one submission by your company, please check the consistency of the company name!
Company *
Street *
ZIP & City, State or Province *
Country *
Phone (incl. country code) *
Mobile (incl. country code) *
Make sure to add the addresses @car-training-institute.com and @euroforum.com to the trusted sender list. (Maybe you need to ask your IT department to do so.)
E-mail *
Contact details to secretary/assistant (name, phone, e-mail address):
Are you on Social Media? LinkedIn, Twitter (Please state your username)
Who in your company is responsible for Social Media? Please state the name and contact.
Co-Authors (please add name, job title, contact details; Free access for 1 presenter per presentation only.)
Title (max. 100 characters incl. spaces) *
Mandatory: 3 – 4 subtitles about the content (max. 60 characters incl. spaces, each)
Subtitle 1 *
Subtitle 2 *
Subtitle 3 *
Proposal submitted by if not speaker (acad. title, first name, surname, job title, phone, e-mail) *
1,500 characters in total – submissions with insufficient information will not be considered.
The abstract should cover and
answer the following questions
What & why was it developed / investigated / analysed?
Area of application?
Description of the methodology / technology used
Presentation of case studies or application results
If applicable: Customer involvement is highly encouraged
What was achieved? (Results, advantages, benefits over existing solutions, conclusion)
Avoid a general introduction and generic background *
Where has the topic been presented before? Or has/will the topic be submitted for anther event ? *
If the paper proposals will be accepted for the programme, the speaker hereby confirms that the submission of presentation documents (job history, presentation slides and 1 page summary for handout) will be submitted in order to guarantee a smooth event flow. All three documents are compulsory (templates will be provided by CTI betimes). Please consider enough time ahead for your company’s internal approval procedures to meet the submission date.
The documents will also be part of the conference documents to be handed out to the delegates. Optional an extra version for this purpose can be handed in. (Only in case of special reasons, an alternative solution can be arranged with CTI if necessary, please contact us in advance.)
I confirm that I have reserved the event date in my calendar.
In case my paper will not be part of the lecture programme I am interested to publish the topic as article at CTI (details will be provided accordingly)
Yes, the topic has internal/company approval.
The abstract may not be used to promote my talk (event website, email, LinkedIn, etc).
No, the topic is not yet approved.
We will receive approval by this date (yyyy.mm.dd)
(Please mark your two priorities! Note: an allocation of the presentation in the final programme according to the chosen priorities can not be guaranteed!)
Markets, Policies and Sustainability
Energy and Mobility
Electric Powertrains
Electric Motors
Hybrid Powertrains
Commercial Vehicle Powertrains
Automotive Fuel Cells
Traction Batteries
Power Electronics
Automotive Transmissions
Operating Strategy, Energy and Thermal Management
Cooling Fluids and Lubricants
Artificial Intelligence in Powertrains
Virtual Development Processes
Cost Reduction
Note: potential travel costs have to be covered by the presenter/employer!
I agree to the
data privacy
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